How to check for water leaks at your home.
- Locate your Water Meter
- Turn off all water inside your home and outside. Make sure that water using appliances are not in use while checking for leaks. Leave the master valve open which is usually located at the point of entry into your home.
- Read your meter and write down the figure. The meter should have a small triangle used for detecting leaks. If this triangle is moving at this point it is usually an indicator of a leak.
- To find out how large the leak is, wait an hour and read the meter again. Do not use any water during this period. Subtract the first reading from the second reading to determine the number of gallons that have gone through the meter during this period
- If the number has changed, there is a leak. The next step is to find out where it is. Is it in your home, or is it in the service line?
- Turn water off at your master valve.
- Repeat steps 3 and 4
- If the number changes again, the leak is in the service line (somewhere between the meter and the mail valve at your home) You can fix it yourself or contact a plumber
- If the meter number does not change, the leak is past the master valve and likely inside your home. In this case, check for leaks in toilets, faucets, etc.
To detect irrigation system leaks, you must know where the system ties into your home’s water system. Newer systems are usually connected between the meter box and the master valve. Look for your systems double check valve assembly; the connection is likely close by. A leaks would be detected in step above. Older systems may be connected in the home or beyond the master valve. These leaks would be detected in step 5 above.